Space 776 : Solo Show

New York, NY-  Space 776 is pleased to present a solo exhibition of paintings and ceramics by New York-based artist Frank Olt at Space 776 New York on view from March 26 to April 25, 2021.

Oyster Bay Landscape, 2020, Frank Olt

Olt’s abstract work form a unique hybrid of ceramics and painting in the New York school tradition.  Forged in his signature style, they combine ceramic media and glazing components with mixed media; rich hues from encaustics bring together the small not-quite-symmetrical abstract pieces in a way that sometimes recalls the color field artists, though often suggesting landscape.

Though also a professor of more traditional ceramic techniques, many of these works fuse painted canvases and ceramics; this contrasts the glossy surfaces of glazed pottery with the elegant linen painted using encaustic (heated beeswax and colored pigment that cools and affixes to the canvas). Known for this innovative harmonizing of materials as well as painterly use of interesting glazes, his recent work also continues experimentation in releasing discernible subjects from the layered elements; machines as well as horizons, suns, and cloud forms.